Body: galvanised perforated sheet steel, powder coated OR #316 stainless steel
Chute: #316 stainless steel
Fixings: stainless steel hinges & lock
Fixture: surface, sub-surface, inground
Capacity: 120 litre, 240 litre
Co-joined: twin or triple unit combinations
Body: custom perforations, no perforations
Hood: #316 stainless steel hood & pins, angled hood & pins, full hood, recycle
or custom
Chute: 200x200, 250x250 (120L), and 300x300, 350x350, 400x400 (240L)
Recycle Top: #316 stainless steel (see EM224-RC)
Signage: recycle, general, custom
Logo: template design required
Codes: with full hood option
Previously Cronulla Bin Enclosure